Tuesday 24 March 2015

Fear of No Regulation of Internet

Sec66A struck down for vague definition of "grossly offensive"
The Supreme Court of India has struck down the Section 66A of Information Technology act. Online activist who campaigned for removal of section 66A welcomed the move. Yet all laws don't exist without conflict of opinion. Few sections of people including activist, political parties, lawyers has question what would the result of the verdict.

Supreme Court scraps section 66A of Information Technology Act, 2000:

Today, in a landmark verdict, the Supreme Court upheld the section 66A as unconstitutional as the word "grossly offensive", etc are vague. The verdict paved way for the protection of online citizens who express opinion through Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. The arrest of two college girls in Mumbai for posting comments against the manner of funeral provided for Shiva Sena Chief Bal Thackeray has created huge uproar against the atrocious section of the Act. While Supreme Court granted interim relief to get prior permission of Commissioner of Police or police officer at the rank of DCP to arrest person who post objectionable contents online by 2013.

Concerns following the Verdict:

Few people have raised concerns that scrapping of Section 66A would promote anti-social elements to propagate any ideology against anybody. Thus net neutrality would provide free for all situation. It might seen as a justifiable concern. When the world mulls for regulation of Internet through centralized body, such verdicts would puzzle people who advocate for Internet regulation. But such concerns are unnecessary. 

Section 66A is Not the Only Solution

A few months backs we would have heard that Department of Telecommunication (DOT) which ordered all Internet Service Providers (ISP) to block 34 websites. The reason cited was these websites were used to propagate terrorist activities in India. The whole scenario didn't warrant Section 66A of the Information Technology Act.

This would serve as a good example that Government of India could control Internet Content without the atrocious Section 66A. Moreover, the recent arrest of School boy for posting comments on Social Networking Site is a good example that it would do more harm than good. 

Without Section 66A Government is all capable of controlling the Internet content. Blocking of 34 websites is good precedent to explain how DOT could control offensive web contents. For people, who worry about scrapping of Section 66A, it will not do any harm to social peace and security.


  1. Government has it under control. DOT can even block whole internet or mobile network in a particular area. Sec 66A is mere political move to keep people voice down in social media.

    1. Tool to suppress free speech on Internet medium


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