How to Use the Blog?

Unlike a business website which plate static content, blogs do not produce static content. As new content being added frequently, users and visitors may find new post at the top of the page. This could result in favorite post getting the bottom of the page and within a few weeks it will find it place in archives. So this is to help returning visitors how to use this blog effectively.

Find Contents Month-Wise:

If you wish to find content post month wise. You could check them using Blog Archives. If you click on any month or year, the Blog Archives would show the content posting that month or year.
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Find Content Using Custom Google Search Bar:

If you find Blog Archive search is tedious or unsure of the month and the year of content posting, you can do a search over this blog to find your content. 

Search Topic vice Content using Sitemap:

In extreme left of the menu bar, Click on the "Sitemap" to view contents arranged by topics. It will list all the similar contents grouped under common heading. For example, if you want to know contents on Information Technology, click the sitemap and you can find number of blog posts under "Information Technology Act".

Get Updated by Email:

To make it more convenient, you can subscribe to email. Any content posted online will be notified to your email. Note: We do not share any subscribed email addresses with others as our privacy policy states.

Post You Might Find Interesting:

At the end of the each blog post, you will find hand-picked content that might interest you. Some them are either follow up content or related to the present blog post. If you not are short of time, you could check them to get useful information.

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