Privacy Policy

As every website has it's own privacy policies which are being accepted by user to use that site, here at lawcrumb we have some privacy policies. We are listing those policies which every user should accept in order to use this site.

Privacy Policy of Users

The Privacy Policy of visitors and users of this blog is very important to us. We do not collect any sensitive or personal information from any user unless any visitor or user willing to do so by subscribing to email or contacting us for any queries. The information so collected will not be made public nor sold to any third party. The "contact us" form uses third party service FoxyForm which will never give out your email addresses to any third party. Check here for FoxyForm privacy policy

Yet this blog is powered by Blogger, the domain collects the Geographical location, Operating System, browser and much more. These information are used to enhance the user experience and to know what we are famous mostly. No such information collected by this blog with the help of blogger will not be made public or used against any person or sold to third party.

User Discretion is advised:

Lawcrumb have no issues with the age of the users of this blog. So, anyone can access and use this blog easily as we do not implement any explicit pornographic contents. In case, if the user age is above 13  could comprehend more as the contents are highly technically legal which require some maturity to understand.

Content Type:

Lawcrumb try to provide high quality content to its visitors and users with regards to legal system in India. We do not provide any illegal, copied or pornographic content and if anyone find anything wrong, please report them through the Contact Us page.


In some part of the Lawcrumb blog, you may find some advertisements being shown. These ads use cookie and we don't have any access or control over those ads. Some ad networks may use cookie to display relevant ads to the users by tracking location and language.